4 Reasons Why Filing For Divorce Without An Attorney Is A Mistake
Making the decision to divorce can be very stressful and difficult for a couple; but not all divorces are acrimonious, and some spouses who are on decent terms think that they can manage their divorce without an attorney. In most cases, this is a huge mistake. You are not legally required to have an attorney in order to divorce, but it is highly recommended that you do. Some of the top reasons it is a mistake to go through a divorce without an attorney include:
Lack of Expert Advice
Most people have very little experience with divorce and do not realize all of the details that must be sorted out between a couple. The situation can become even more complicated if you and your spouse share children. Being able to fill out documentation to file for divorce doesn't mean that you're doing it right. When you have a divorce attorney, you can count on him or her to provide expert advice and ensure that your best interests are protected.
Increase in Stress
Going through a divorce is already a highly emotional and stressful time for the parties involved. This stress can increase even more when the people who are going through the divorce also have to work together to try to agree on all of the terms of the end of their marriage. A divorce attorney will act on your behalf so you don't have to discuss details of the divorce with you spouse, which can help prevent arguments and make the divorce process smoother for everyone involved.
Likelihood of Mistakes
Filing for divorce and navigating the court system can be very complicated and complex. If you have little to no experience with the legal system, there is a very good chance that you will make mistakes when you file for divorce if you don't have an attorney representing you. When you have an attorney, you can have the peace of mind that all paperwork is being filled out correctly and submitted to the court properly.
Delay in the Divorce Proceedings
When a couple knows that a marriage is over and they plan to divorce, both parties usually want the divorce finalized as quickly as possible so they can move on with their lives. When you try to file for divorce without any legal experience, there is a good chance that mistakes made can delay the divorce proceedings. An experienced divorce attorney can expedite your divorce so you can put the past behind you.
For more information, contact companies like Kleveland Law.