
Personal Injuries: Basic Knowledge For You

5 Steps To An Uncontested Divorce

If you are considering filing for divorce, you may want to consider an uncontested divorce. This is a divorce in which both you and your spouse agree to the terms that are set. The benefit of this is that there are often lower legal fees because you won't have to go in front a judge, but can instead resolve and settle the divorce in mediation. Keep in mind that this may not be a viable option if your spouse is not willing to negotiate on anything. Read More 

3 Tips To Keep In Mind When Submitting A Disability Claim

If you have recently become disabled, you are obviously not in a good state of mind. Thankfully, the government does provide some potential aid for people in your situation. But in order to get the support you need, you will need to find an official disability claim. If you want your claim to be successful, you need to stay focused while you are filling out the application. Here are 3 tips to keep in mind when submitting a disability claim. Read More 

Holiday-Related Injuries You May Want A Lawyer’s Help With

When the holidays come around, it is meant to be a season of cheer and joy. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes, an injury or other issue can cause the holiday season to be anything but joyous. If you suffer an injury over the holiday season and are wondering if there is anything you can do about it, then you may want to get to to know some of the holiday-related injuries that can occur for which you may want to consult with a personal injury lawyer. Read More 

Can You Charge Someone For Invading Your Privacy With A Drone?

Drones are fascinating toys and tools that are growing in popularity, and you probably don't need to be worried if you notice one buzzing past your property. But models equipped with cameras can become a real problem when they linger longer than they should or start peeping through your windows. If you believe that the attentions of your local drone operator are inappropriate or even bordering on harassment, you may need to take legal action to protect your right to privacy. Read More 

Been In A Car Accident? 4 Reasons Why You Need An Attorney

Car accidents can be traumatic events, especially if injuries are involved. If you've been injured in a car accident, you need to act fast to protect your rights. The last thing you want to do following a car accident is leave your physical and financial future in your own hands. That's why you need to speak to an attorney as soon as possible. If you're not sure you need an attorney, here are four reasons that will help you understand why you do. Read More 

About Me

Personal Injuries: Basic Knowledge For You

I have worked as a legal office assistant for about 20 years. The office specializes in personal injury claims, and many clients are looking for settlements. I have great compassion for the individuals I see, and most people are looking for money to pay their bills. Unfortunately, insurance claims are difficult and clients often file the wrong paperwork. They don't see many doctors due to costs, and settlement offers are generally low. I know that lawyers can help to raise claims substantially. They know the law and they can offer advice to clients so good results are seen. I want you to learn some basic information about personal injuries, insurance settlements, and the general claims process. Your rights and needs are important, but it's difficult to secure a settlement if you know nothing about the law. Gain some knowledge today, so your personal injury decisions are the right ones.

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